depiction. The accurate use of the diptych light – shadow creates intensities and depth of
area and in this way the creation of a well-presented image is reinforced and the desired
stylization is added to each scene. The intensity, the diffusion, the hue of light, the sources
of light and other factors are used variously and pursue to define different atmosphere,
feelings and optical impulses according to the needs of each project. We receive different
feelings and optical impulses according to the needs of each project. We receive different
result from a scene with the use of night – lighting and completely different from the same
scene with day or afternoon lighting.
We should point out that except for the natural lighting we can use a lot of different types of
artificial lighting (linear lights, perimeter lights, recessed, hidden, wall-mounted, free-
standing, table lighting e.t.c.) that can be
decided according to the result, which we desire.
Furthermore, the choice of materials plays an important role, as lighting is an element that
can be transformed and highlighted based on the texture, on which it is diffused. Different
result gives a transparent material, which reflects, refracts and diffuses the light and totally
different a semi-transparent, opaque or rough material.
Therefore, a lighting design study should not be skipped from any project, as well as the
emphasis of every 3d- visualizer on the use of light and shadow, textures and details of each
project for the best quality final result.